Monday, April 6, 2009

Exuberance and Native America

North Carolina is categorize into several different zones and Asheville happens to be on the border of those zones and is considered zone 7. The Almanac clearly states that those living in zone seven should not commence to gardening until the first of May. My garden is now covered in old bed sheets and various buckets. Why? It has been snowing since Carolina to the court and well after they claimed their fifth national basketball championship. I have buckets on my Azaleas, Gardenias, blueberries and Cabbage. I have sheets over my lettuce and broccoli. My onions will have to be strong and my lilies are at the mercy on mother nature.

Savannah River Point - Late Archaic Early Woodland 3000 to 1100 B.P It is hard to find a good photograph of this particular point because every one wants to glorify the craftsmanship of this era, when in reality the tools were crude and usually made of quartzite, which is almost impossible to work with. Why is this period so different from the rest of Native American lithic history?

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